
The Bourne Supremacy

The Bourne Supremacy

The Bourne Supremacy

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The Bourne Supremacy

Movie Summery:

Marie Kreutz moves to Goa, India and so does the protagonist, Jason Bourne who suffers from memory loss and occasionally records his past as a CIA hitman. In the mean time, CIA Deputy Director Pamela Landy is on the trail of the Neski files, documents related to a $20 million theft. Russian agent Kirill eliminates the CIA operative for cutting him off from a clean escape, takes the files and implicate Bourne.

The Bourne Supremacy

Kirill is the assassin that is sent to kill Bourne in Goa but, he mistakenly kills Marie. Overwhelmed by the revelation, Bourel flees to Europe, where he finds out that he has been framed for the Neski murders. Bourne finds Jarda, another Treadstone agent, who tells him Treadstone was shut down, but then tries to assassinate him, which results in Jarda’s death.

Bourne travels to Berlin to track down Landy and Section Chief Ward Abbott; to his surprise he kidnaps Nicky Parsons and discovers that Abbott was his former associate, Conklin. He uncovers the truth: It can also be remembered that Abbott masterminded the stealing of $20 million and pinned the crime on Bourne. Bourne then catches up with and confronts Abbott, but does not kill him. Abbott subsequently dies by a gunshot to the head, but Bourne recording Abbott explaining everything to Landy.

The Bourne Supremacy

After, Bourne goes to Moscow, and telling Irena Neski that he killed her parents. However, Kirill is spared by Bourne after the two have a last battle. Back in New York, Bourne calls Landy, who reveals his true identity: David Webb. She invites him to meet her, but Bourne, who looks at her from behind, vanishes into the metropolis and goes on searching for salvation.


