
Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne


Twelve years after leaking Blackbriar, the former CIA officer, Jason Bourne, is a lone wanderer participating in Greek dusty fights. At the same time, former Treadstone technician Nicky Parsons, who now works for hacktivists, gains access to CIA information database and finds,” documents concerning the creation of bourne and the involvement of his father in Treadstone. She goes to Athens to meet Bourne, but naturally they end up being followed by the CIA, which is led by Director Robert Dewey and head of cyber security Heather Lee.Jason Bourne

 In the middle of a protest, Bourne is able to handily dispatch a few CIA agents, although he isn’t able to save Nicky from The Asset, who killed her at the behest of Dewey. In their last moments together she provide Bourne with the key to the stolen CIA files. Bourne goes to Berlin, deciphers the files and learns that the CIA killed his father at the orders of The Asset in order to recruit him to Treadstone. Heather Lee seems to think she can turn the spy Bourne around to work for the agency again and helps him out to some degree, although Dewey has a different in mind.

 Bourne finds out who killed his father by pursuing former Treadstone agent, Malcolm Smith in London. In the plot of Trumbo, set in Las Vegas, Dewey intends to kill Aaron Kalloor, a tech company magnate intending to divulge the existence of CIA spying software. Bourne stops it and faces Dewey where the later is shot dead by Lee. Bourne chasing after The Asset and killing him in the end.

Jason Bourne

In the later parts of the movie, Lee prepares herself for CIA director, hoping to capture Bourne again but Bourne turns against her presence and goes off the grid, a free man.
